My birthing classes cover childbirth education for hospital, birthing center and homebirths.You will learn deep relaxation techniques based on hypnosis and mindfulness. You can start as early as 20 weeks.
Topics covered include:
Topics covered include:
Birth Education
Learn about the amazing hormones of labor but also what your uterus does and your baby's role during labor.
Interventions & Cesarean Birth
Learn how to navigate interventions and advocate for your wishes but also have a plan in case of a cesarean.
Pain Relief Options
Leran about all your options for pain relief. Epidural pain relief as well as natural pain coping techniques.
Hypnosis & Mindfulness
Keep your mind calm and focused during contraction with Breathing techniques and Visualizations.
Your Partner's role
What can your partner do to support you? Use a simple exercise to find out and help them help you!
Fear Release Hypnosis Session
We will work on releasing your fears so that you feel calmer as the day approaches.
Immediate PostPartum
What can you expect right after birth whether vaginal or via cesarean and what you may need.
Breastfeeding Basics
How can you get breastfeeding off to a good start and signs you need some support.
NewBorn Care
We'll discuss basic newborn care and what you may need to feel prepared and welcome your baby!